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Duck at Kiwi House


"To inspire our people to be kaitiaki of our natural environment – our taonga tuku iho"

He whakaihiihi, he whakahau, i te iwi nui tonu ko ia hei Kaitiaki o tō tātou taiao - o ngō tātou taonga tuku iho.


"Our taonga - nature and community – are thriving and growing sustainably in Te Nehenehenui and Aotearoa".

Ko ngo tatou taonga - e whai ora ana, e tuputupu tonu ana ki Te Nehenehenui, ki Aotearoa huri noa.



To preserve, protect and restore
indigenous flora and fauna.

  • Collaborate with others to breed threatened species for release to the wild

  • Educate our people and visitors about our natural taonga and their conservation

  • Engage in off -site conservation work


To collaborate to enhance the mana of our community

  • To grow a vibrant and sustainable organisation

  • Acknowledge and understand scientific theory alongside mātauranga Māori shared by mana whenua


To create a unique world class
conservation and education centre

  • To inspire and model sustainability

  • To reflect the taonga and culture of our people

  • To develop pathways for local people to become conservation leaders and engage in conservation research

Koru fern


A sanctuary for New Zealand's unique native birds and reptiles, many rarely seen in the wild

The Ōtorohanga Kiwi House is not just a sanctuary but also a centre for scientific research and breeding programs. Its dedicated team of experts and volunteers work tirelessly to hatch, raise, and release kiwi chicks into the wild. These efforts have made a substantial contribution to increasing the kiwi population and preserving the genetic diversity of these flightless birds.


A tourist attraction with educational opportunities for visitors

One of the core missions of the Ōtorohanga Kiwi House is to educate visitors about the importance of native bird species in New Zealand's ecosystems. Over the years, it has become a hub for environmental education, providing visitors with an opportunity to learn about the unique challenges facing these birds and the actions needed to ensure their survival.

​This place has fostered strong connections with the local community, drawing support and involvement from residents and businesses alike. It serves as a rallying point for collective action in the name of conservation, instilling a sense of pride and responsibility among the people of Ōtorohanga.

A breeding centre undertaking scientific research, sharing knowledge and reintroducing species to the wild.


From its inception, the Ōtorohanga Kiwi House has been dedicated to the conservation and protection of native bird and reptile species. It quickly gained recognition as a leading institution for its efforts to breed and rehabilitate these iconic birds. The facility's commitment to avian conservation extends beyond kiwis to include a wide range of New Zealand's precious bird and reptile life.


As we stand at the threshold of an uncertain environmental future, the Ōtorohanga Kiwi House remains steadfast in its mission. It continually adapts and evolves its conservation strategies, aligning them with the latest scientific research and global best practices. With the ongoing dedication of its staff and the unwavering support of its visitors and partners, the Ōtorohanga Kiwi House is poised to make an enduring impact on the preservation of New Zealand's unique wildlife.

In summary, the Ōtorohanga Kiwi House and Native Bird Park is not just a place; it is a living testament to New Zealand's commitment to safeguarding its natural heritage. Its history is intertwined with the journey of conservation, education, and community engagement, making it a beacon of hope for the protection of native bird species in this remarkable country.

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