Our "Adopt a Kiwi House Critter" Program
How can YOU help?
Support your favourite bird or reptile at the Otorohanga Kiwi House & Native Bird Park with our 'Adopt a Kiwi House Critter' Program.
For NZ$100 a year you can choose to adopt one of our native birds or reptiles and help us provide the special care they need in our breeding programs and conservation efforts.
Our animals receive the best and most nutritious food, medical care and attention. Your adoption sponsorship helps us make the Park a great place for the birds, reptiles and people who visit. (Because we are a 'not-for-profit' organization every cent we earn goes back into the conservation work of the Otorohanga Kiwi House.)
(Adoption confers no legal ownership. The birds and reptiles in the Park are held under licence for the Department of Conservation.)
Critters Available For Adoption
Great Spotted Kiwi
(Apteryx haastii)
Brown Kiwi
(Apteryx mantelli)
(Nestor notabilis)
New Zealand native mountain parrot
(Ninox novaeseelandiae)
New Zealand native owl
Red-crowned Kakariki
(Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae)
New Zealand native parakeet
(Sphenodon punctatus)
(Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae)
New Zealand native wood pigeon
Why not adopt a different animal each year and collect your own
"Kiwi House Critter" zoo?
As a Kiwi House Adoptee, you will receive:
An official Adoption Certificate naming you and your adopted 'Critter'
A cute soft toy of your chosen 'Critter'
One FREE Admission Pass to view your adopted bird or reptile (pass valid for 12 months)
A bio of the bird or reptile you have adopted
An Adoption Right of Renewal at the end of each 12 month period. (You will receive a renewal notice one month before the expiry of your annual adoption sponsorship. You might like to adopt a different 'Critter' for your zoo!)
A New Zealand tax deduction for your contribution – the Otorohanga Kiwi House & Native Bird Park is a Charitable Society.
Please take this opportunity to help us in the vital task of conserving our native New Zealand wildlife
How do I adopt a Kiwi House Critter?
Choose the bird or reptile that you wish to adopt, download and print the PDF document below, complete the form and mail with your cheque or credit card details to:
Otorohanga Zoological Society Inc.
PO Box 222
Otorohanga 3940
New Zealand
click here for the ‘Adopt A Kiwi House Critter’ application form