Kea and Tuatara - Otorohanga Kiwi House

Animals At the Otorohanga Kiwi House

Birds at the Otorohanga Kiwi House

The Otorohanga Kiwi House & Native Bird Park is home to many native New Zealand birds - Kiwi, ducks & waterfowl, parrots and more.


Learn more about these creatures and listen to their unique sounds!




Reptiles at the Otorohanga Kiwi House

We also display tuatara (survivors for 225 million years!) geckoes and skinks... Learn more about these creatures here!


Kea - Otorohanga Kiwi House
Tuatara - Otorohanga Kiwi House


Brown Kiwi - Otorohanga Kiwi House

Common name:

Brown Kiwi


Latin name:
Apteryx australis mantelli


Maori name:




Females are larger than males with birds weighing between 1.5–3 kgs. The average size is around 50 cm. Plumage is rather harsh to the touch. Colouration can vary from grey/brown to almost black/brown or reddish brown. Displays of white plumage are not uncommon in some local populations.


Found in forested areas of the North Island, Little Barrier Island, Kapiti Island and recently reintroduced into several forests south of Palmerston North.


Principal threats:

  • Habitat loss

  • Introduced predators

  • New avian diseases and parasites.


Conservation status:
In serious decline


Fact sheet:
Click to download Brown Kiwi fact sheet


Great Spotted Kiwi  - Otorohanga Kiwi House

Common name:

Great Spotted Kiwi


Latin name:
Apteryx haasti


Maori name:




A large grey kiwi distinguished from the Little Spotted Kiwi by the chestnut tinge on the upper back and mottled bands of brown/black plumage. Iris black, bill ivory white – pinkish, feet grey-brown.


Found only in the north western part of the South Island, as far south as Brunner and the Paparoa Ranges of the West Coast and east to Arthurs Pass.


Principal threats:

  • Habitat loss

  • Introduced predators

  • New avian diseases and parasites.


Conservation status:
In gradual decline


Fact sheet:
Click to download Great Spotted Brown Kiwi fact sheet


Blue Duck  - Otorohanga Kiwi House

Common name:

Blue Duck


Latin name:
Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos


Maori name:




A large duck about 53 cm in size. Dove grey colouring with a bluish sheen, heavily spotted red/brown on the breast, pinkish/white bill with a black tip, dark brown feet. Female has reduced red/brown spotting on the breast and spots are completely absent in juveniles.


Whio are river dwelling and sometimes referred to as a torrent duck. They frequent the headwater catchments of rivers in both the North and South Islands.


Principal threats:

  • Habitat loss

  • Disturbance including white water recreational activities

  • Hunting dogs and shooting

  • Predation of nests

  • Introduced trout.


Conservation status:
DoC Status: Nationally endangered
IUCN Status: Vulnerable


Fact sheet:
Click to download Blue Duck fact sheet


New Zealand Falcon  - Otorohanga Kiwi House

Common name:

NZ Falcon (Karearea)


Latin name:
Falco novaeseelandiae


Maori name:




An endemic species, the males are around 43 cm weighing 300 grams, females 47 cm and weighing some 500 grams. The colouring is generally black above, buff barred and streaked below. Thighs and under tail-coverts are a rufous brown with darker streaks. Legs, feet and cere are yellow, claws black.


Widespread in the high country of the South Island and lower North Island.


Principal threats:

  • Introduced mammalian predators

  • Habitat loss and shooting

  • Chemical sprays used in agriculture.


Conservation status:
Endemic, endangered


Fact sheet:
Click to download NZ Falcon fact sheet


Kea -  - Otorohanga Kiwi House

Common name:



Latin name:
Nestor notabilis


Maori name:




The sexes are similar, although the male is larger with a more outward curving upper mandible. The overall colour is an olive green with scarlet under wing coverts. The iris is dark brown, the mandible and legs dark brown to black. Size 46 cm. Juveniles crown immediately after fledging. The nape is olive/yellow, the cere and mandible bright orange-yellow. Legs are light grey.


Kea inhabit the South Island high country and alps.


Principal threats:

  • Degradation of habitat by fire

  • Over-grazing by domestic stock and browsing by feral animals

  • Predation at nests by introduced mammals such as stoats

  • Illegal shooting and poisoning

  • Illegal capture and trading in Kea.


Conservation status:
Category B threatened species


Fact sheet:
Click to download Kea fact sheet


Tui  - Otorohanga Kiwi House

Common name:



Latin name:
Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae


Maori name:




The sexes are alike with the female slightly smaller. Tui appear black at a distance, but are mainly iridescent green with dark bluish/purple reflections. Around 30 cm in size. The back and side of the neck are ornamented with white-shafted filamentous feathers, which curl forwards on the side of neck. Tui have a white, double, throat tuft of curled feathers. The iris is dark brown, the bill and legs black.


Widespread in forests, open country and urban areas throughout New Zealand.


Principal threats:

  • Introduced predators (possums)

  • Feral cats

  • Rats

  • Mustelids

  • Habitat destruction.


    Conservation status:


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download Tui fact sheet


    Red Crowned Kakariki  - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    Red-Crowned Kakariki


    Latin name:
    Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae


    Maori name:
    Kakariki – green parakeet




    A small parakeet with a band of red across the forehead from the mandible to the top of the crown and just behind the eye; violet blue on the inner primary feathers. The iris is red, the mandible pale blue/grey with a black tip. The legs and feet are greyish brown.


    Once widely distributed throughout both islands, but now scarce on the two main islands. Inhabits forests, scrubland and open areas.


    Principal threats:

    • Loss of habitat and introduced predators

    • Avian diseases from introduced parrots.


    Conservation status:
    Threatened (regionally)


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download Red-Crowned Kakariki fact sheet


    Grey Teal - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    Grey Teal


    Latin name:
    Anas gibberifrons gracilis


    Maori name:


    New Zealand's smallest flying duck, overall grey with the head and back of the neck a dark brown. Throat, chin and side of head are almost white. Back and flank feathers are dark brown with pale edges. The speculum is green with a narrow white band. The mandible is blue/grey, the feet black and iris a bright red.


    Tete prefer shallow freshwater lakes, lagoons and swamps with extensive marginal cover. They are found throughout South Auckland, Waikato, Hawkes Bay and Otago. The species is also found throughout Australia, New Guinea and New Caledonia. The New Zealand population is subject to periodic influxes from Australia, as birds are driven out by drought.


    Principal threats:

    • Introduced predators

    • Illegal hunting

    • Loss of habitat.


    Conservation status:
    Uncommon, but the range is increasing


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download Grey Teal fact sheet


    Variable Oystercatcher - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    Variable Oystercatcher


    Latin name:
    Haematopus unicolor


    Maori name:


    Variable colouration; unicolor individuals are entirely black with a red mandible and scarlet iris, legs a coral pink. Pied individuals are black with white belly, flanks, rump and tail coverts. Intermediate individuals have variable amounts of white on wing bars, rump and belly. All birds have an orange eye-ring, bright orange mandible (often with a yellow tip) and coral pink legs.


    Scattered right around the New Zealand coastline


    Principal threats:

    • Loss of habitat through waterfront development

    • Introduced predators preying on eggs & young birds

    • Human disturbance


    Conservation status:


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download Variable Oystercatcher fact sheet


    Green Tree Gecko - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    Green tree gecko


    Latin name:
    Naultinus elegans


    Maori name:
    Moko kakariki


    The inside of its mouth and tongue are a deep shade of mauve. Occasionally the green is replaced by a yellow colour type colour phase, but the lizard may still be mottled with a lighter colour. This colour variant does appear in some of the other species of green geckos. Normally the young are produced in August. Grows to approximately 95mm


    From upper half of the North Island.


    Principal threats:
    There are two main threats to geckos: predation and habitat destruction. All New Zealand geckos are vulnerable to mammalian predation. Predators include mice, rats, hedgehogs, weasels, stoats, ferrets, cats, possums and pigs.


    Conservation status:


    Little Spotted Kiwi - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    Little Spotted Kiwi


    Latin name:
    Apteryx oweni


    Maori name:
    Kiwi pukupuku




    The smallest of the kiwi family with overall grey colouring and a mottled irregular pattern of black/brown plumage across the body. It weighs between 1.2–2 kgs with a body size around 40 cm. Iris black, feet pale with white claws.


    Once widespread throughout New Zealand, it is now found only on Kapiti Island and a few other islands, where it has been introduced.


    Principal threats:

    • Habitat loss

    • Introduced predators

    • New avian diseases and parasites.


    Conservation status:
    The range is restricted


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download Little Spotted Kiwi fact sheet




    Brown Teal - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    Brown Teal (Pateke)


    Latin name:
    Anas aucklandica chlorotis


    Maori name:




    A small brown duck related to the Chestnut Teal of Australia; around 48 cm in size. Males have dark brown heads with a greenish bloom on nape, a white collar on the front part of neck and a green speculum. The female is uniformly brown with a bluish/black bill and slate grey feet.


    Restricted mainly to Great Barrier Island and Northland. Captive bred ducks have been released into protected reserves throughout the North Island and into Fiordland National Park.


    Principal threats:

    • Habitat loss

    • Introduced predators

    • Shooting

    • Increased coastal subdivision.


    Conservation status:
    DoC Status: Category B
    IUCN Status: Endangered


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download Brown Teal fact sheet


    Campbell Island Flightless Teal - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    Campbell Island Flightless Teal


    Latin name:
    Anas aucklandica nesiotis


    Maori name:


    Resembles Auckland Island Teal in both sexes, but slightly smaller and browner. Males do not have a white collar or dark line on the back. The size is around 41 cm.


    Restricted to the sub-Antarctic Campbell Islands, with a few ducks still residing on Codfish Island from a captive release.


    Principal threats:

    • Antarctic Skua prey on both adults and ducklings

    • The return of rats and cats to Campbell Island.


    Conservation status:
    Critically endangered


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download Campbell Island Teal fact sheet


    North Island Weka - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    North Island Weka


    Latin name:
    Gallirallus australis greyi


    Maori name:




    A large flightless rail with a strong mandible and feet and reduced wings. The plumage is mainly brown and black, but the tone of the brown and the amount of black vary with more grey on the breast. Legs are brown. Males are 1–1.2 kgs, females between 700–900 grams in weight.


    Various habitats on offshore islands, Bay of Islands and inland Bay of Plenty.


    Principal threats:

    • Introduced predators

    • Introduced bird species

    • Habitat loss, modification and degradation

    • Introduced avian diseases and parasites

    • Vehicles causing road kills

    • Poorly managed pest control operations, traps, rat baits and toxins.


    Conservation status:
    Threatened, more endangered than the North Island Kiwi


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download North Island Weka fact sheet


    North Island Kaka - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    North Island Kaka


    Latin name:
    Nestor meridionalis septentrionalis


    Maori name:




    The sexes are alike, size 45 cm with males 475 grams, females 425 grams. Overall body colouration is brown-green with underling coverts a brilliant orange-scarlet. Crown pale white, iris dark brown, mandible black with yellow cere, feet slate black.


    Widespread in mature forest throughout New Zealand.


    Principal threats:

    • Habitat loss

    • Possums, deer and pigs have reduced their food source

    • Introduced wasps

    • Stoats, rats and possums.


    Conservation status:
    Threatened endemic species


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download North Island Kaka fact sheet (PDF)


    Common name:

    New Zealand Kingfisher


    Latin name:
    Halcyon sancta


    Maori name:




    The crown and forehead is a deep green with a broad black band running from the gape through and below the eye to encircle the nape. There is a broad buff collar across the hind neck; the upper back and scapulars are deep green, the lower back, upper tail coverts and wings ultramarine, the throat and breast buff/white. The mandible is black with the base of the mandible pale yellowish. Iris black and feet dark brown.


    Found throughout New Zealand from coastal regions to forested areas. Absent from high, snow-covered mountain areas.


    Principal threats:
    Introduced mammalian predators.


    Conservation status:
    Not threatened


    New Zealand Pigeon - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    New Zealand Pigeon


    Latin name:
    Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae


    Maori name:
    Kereru, Kuku, Kukupa




    A large pigeon 51 cm in size. The sexes are alike. The head, throat and upper breast are metallic green. The nape, back and wings are purple with a coppery green sheen. Breast and belly and feathered legs are white. The iris is dark red, the mandible crimson with a yellow tip. The feet are red with black claws. The Chatham Island Pigeon is larger than the mainland species, has greyer upper parts and breast and a heavier mandible.


    Found throughout mainland New Zealand in forested areas and residual forest remnants including some offshore islands. The Chatham Island Pigeon survives on Pitt Island and the main islands, where it inhabits lowland coastal forests.


    Principal threats:

    • Habitat destruction

    • Illegal hunting

    • Introduced predators destroying nests & eating eggs and squabs.


    Conservation status:
    Gradual decline


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download NZ Pigeon fact sheet


    Yellow-Crowned Kakariki - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    Yellow-Crowned Kakariki


    Latin name:
    Cyanoramphus auriceps


    Maori name:




    Very similar to the red-crowned parakeet except for the yellow cap. The only other difference is that the red band in front of and behind the eye in the red-crowned parakeet does not extend behind the eye in the yellow-crowned parakeet.


    Inhabits the North & South Islands and is slowly making a comeback on Stewart Island. Almost exclusively a high forest dweller, especially in old-growth beech and podocarp forests.


    Principal threats:

    • Loss of habitat

    • Introduced predators like stoats and ship rats


    Conservation status:
    Uncommon, threatened (regionally)


    Antipodes Island Parakeet - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:

    Antipodes Island parakeet


    Latin name:
    Cyanoramphus unicolor


    Maori name:


    The only all-green parakeet. Although they can fly well, they rarely do so.


    Found only in the Antipodes Islands, approximately 870 kilometres south east of Bluff, New Zealand. They forage mainly on the ground, feeding on tussock grasses and sedges, and nest in ground burrows, up to 1 metre in length.


    Principal threats:
    Accidental arrival of mammalian predators such as rats, cats and mustelids, is a potential threat


    Conservation status:
    Stable & relatively secure in its habitat


    Tuatara - Otorohanga Kiwi House

    Common name:



    Latin name:
    Sphenodon punctatus


    Maori name:
    Tuatara (means 'peaks on the back')


    Similar in appearance to lizards, the tuatara is the only surviving member of a reptile family known as Sphenodon, meaning 'wedge tooth'.

    Sphenodons became extinct some 60 million years ago, leaving the tuatara as the last remaining representative or 'living fossil'. Tuatara may live up to 100 years; males weigh around 1 kg and are some 50 cm in length. Females are shorter and a good deal lighter. Skin colouration can vary between animals from an olive green to dark pink or slate grey. Young Tuatara possess a third eye or 'pineal eye', which has a lens, retina and nervous connections to the brain, but has no visual function. Males have no sexual organ. They can swim well and are most active between 7–22 degrees Celsius.


    Once found right throughout New Zealand, they are now restricted to predator-free offshore islands.


    Principal threats:

    • Introduced predators

    • Habitat changes and deforestation has contributed to their decline on the mainland.


    Conservation status:
    Protected since 1895


    Fact sheet:
    Click to download Tuatara fact sheet


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    Kiwi - Otorohanga Kiwi House - Kiwi Conservation Since 1971

    Otorohanga Kiwi House & Native Bird Park
    20 Alex Telfer Drive, Otorohanga 3900
    New Zealand

    38°10’45.4”S  175°12’48.3”E

    PHONE: +64 7 873 7391




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    Map of Otorohanga's Kiwihouse