About Otorohanga Kiwi House - Pikitia Postcards

Park News

Getting In the Zone

Getting In the Zone

As part of the Park redevelopment, the team here is developing a ‘zoned’ approach to the Park layout. This enables staff to develop interpretation that explains ecology, habitat features and common features of groups of animals.


As part of developing our ‘Raptor Zone’, the team has built a new Ruru/Morepork enclosure in the area beside the current Falcon aviary. We will also be constructing adjoining aviaries for our Little Owl and Ruru/Morepork pairs.

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Kiwi - Otorohanga Kiwi House - Kiwi Conservation Since 1971

Otorohanga Kiwi House & Native Bird Park
20 Alex Telfer Drive, Otorohanga 3900
New Zealand

38°10’45.4”S  175°12’48.3”E

PHONE: +64 7 873 7391




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